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MCM Abogados congratulates its client, MultiClient Geophysical ASA, for the authorization granted by the National Hydrocarbons Commission of its seismic survey to be performed in Mexico.

Mayo 19, 2015

Autor: Mariana Hernández

Last week the National Hydrocarbons Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos) (“CNH”) unanimously approved the authorization requested by MultiClient Geophysical ASA (“MCG”) to perform a surface recognition and exploration project in Mexico.

MCG’s survey involves the obtaining of 2D seismic information in an area of 470,000 km2 at the Gulf of Mexico, through a specialized vessel, with a project term up to March 2017. This is one of the largest projects authorized by CNH for the performance of surface recognition and exploration in our country. In words of CNH, such authorization – along with those already granted for such purpose – “will increase the development of knowledge of the oil potential of Mexico”.

MCG is a well-recognized Norwegian company that has successfully developed projects for the obtaining and processing of offshore seismic data in Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Asia-Pacific, for oil & gas companies worldwide.

This sort of authorizations represents an important step in the implementation of the Energy Reform, since the same will establish the basis of the upcoming hydrocarbons projects in Mexico.

MCM Abogados is glad for having assisted MCG throughout the procedure with CNH and is confident of the success of this new venture.




Mayo 2015

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